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Psychology and Physiotherapy Clinic

Physiotherapy and Physical Rehabilitation




At NOCI Clinique Inc, we provide physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation services to private clients, as well as those referred to us by the CSST and private insurers.


We put in practice two different therapeutic approaches, depending on the severity of the patient’s lesion and their degree of disability.


The first approach is physiotherapy. This approach is destined mainly for patients who are still able to fulfill their daily responsibilities despite their symptoms. The therapeutic goal is to better understand and obtain a satisfactory degree of control over the patients’ acute or persistent pain symptoms. Treatment can include the following aspects:


  • An exhaustive musculoskeletal evaluation helps identify the primary pathology and highlights other factors that might be involved in maintaining the patients’ symptoms (e.g. pathologies in adjacent joints or postural deconditioning). During this evaluation, we will explore several strategies for active control of the patient’s symptoms.


  • A general evaluation of the patient’s physical condition (flexibility, muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance) will be conducted if there are signs of deconditioning during the musculoskeletal evaluation.


  • Physiotherapy treatment aims first and foremost to teach the patient about symptom control and how to put this knowledge into practice.


  • Personalized physical rehabilitation can be conducted for patients who are unable to obtain or maintain a satisfying degree of control over their symptoms. Treatment consists of an exercise program which can be practiced either at home or in a gym under the physiotherapist's supervision.


The second approach is physical rehabilitation destined to patients who are on medical leave or who are receiving disability payments. Treatment can include the following aspects:


  • An evaluation of the patient’s potential for physical rehabilitation helps to identify the pathology or pathologies which are at the root of the patient’s issues and which prevent him or her from returning to their regular activities. Based on the results of this evaluation, clients will be treated or referred to another professional (e.g. doctor, psychologist, kinesiologist, ergonomist or occupational therapist)


  • An evaluation of the patient’s physical capacities will be conducted in the course of three consecutive half-days, to help identify the patient’s pathology, their self-defence mechanisms and their current physical capacities. The results will then be compared to their workplace requirements, in order to devise an effective physical re-training program.


  • Integrated evaluations combine a physical capacity evaluation and a psychological evaluation. The goal is to obtain a complete and representative overview of the influence of biopsychosocial factors on the clinical presentation. This allows us to provide therapeutic recommendations that are more personalised to the patient’s specific needs.


  • Personalized physical re-training aims first and foremost to teach symptom control strategies to patients in order to help them obtain an increase in their physical capabilities. This helps the patient test the real effects of movement and to break the vicious cycle which often arises between inactivity and pain. By practicing re-training exercises daily, the patient regains confidence in their capacity to manage their own symptoms and return to their regular activities.


  • Preparation for returning to normal work duties consists of simulation exercises for workplace efforts in order to develop the physical capacities necessary to conduct the key tasks of a patient’s occupation.


The physiotherapist’s responsibilities during the patient’s return to work include workplace visits, adapting the exercise program and offering ergonomic recommendations.


At NOCI Clinique Inc, Dominique Gilbert provides all physiotherapy and physical rehabilitation treatment.






  • MMPI-2 et MMPI-2RF

  • Douleur chronique

  • PAI (Personality Assessment Inventory)

  • La personnalité selon Theodore Millon

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